
How to play insurgency
How to play insurgency

how to play insurgency

You won't get the shiny credits at the end of a round, nor will you rack up a huge kill count. And sometimes that means giving up the spotlight in favor of becoming the enabler. Unlike most AAA FPS's on the market, you will rarely succeed through brute force alone.

  • Could the team use someone with a shotgun or SMG?.
  • Is there only one sniper, and is he doing his job?.
  • how to play insurgency

  • Are there a ton of riflemen but only one observer?.
  • The second rule of winning in this game is: play the role your team needs, not the role you want. There are flashy ways to play Insurgency: Sandstorm. If you have to start guessing at where your enemies will be coming from, you have to start all over again. In Sandstorm, maps have natural chokepoints you can use to create effective kill boxes, but again, don't overstay your welcome at any one of them. Like I've talked about in previous guides, the funnel effect is your friend. Chaos breeds unpredictability, and if you can't control your opponents, everything you worked for will be for nothing. Your ultimate goal is to keep the enemy team off balance, but keep them from descending into chaos. Let the enemy come to you, and once you know you've got friends on the point, take off on your own to scout around and strike from an off angle. Once you've started capturing an objective, slow the pace down. Get a teammate to help you and punch through their defenses. To shake up their position, approach from a direction they don't expect. Remember, though, that they'll hear you coming, too. Sound is paramount in Sandstorm, and you'll hear your enemies coming from a mile away.
  • watch where your teammates are headed and use them as bait/cover.
  • keep some cover between yourself and open space.
  • that "corpse" is probably going to shoot you.
  • how to play insurgency

    You have to embrace the Insurgency's slower gameplay and approach almost every engagement with caution. How, then, do you grab hold of a round and never let go? Simple: be methodical. It's a trickier task in this game, though, as you die so quickly and one misstep will put the reins of the match back in enemy hands. It's a classic FPS strategy if you and your team can determine how fast or slow the game flows, you have complete control over who is where when, and how they're going to act. The first rule of any match is this: the team that sets the pace wins. Neither is easy to do consistently, but if you follow the three rules outlined in the guide below, you'll have a much better chance of pulling off plays that'll have voice chat singing your praises. Like a casual FPS, you can get away with taking out entire teams after a flank or jumping across a long sightline if you're quick enough.

    how to play insurgency

    Like a simulation, you won't be getting back up from a couple of bullets, and don't expect to dump an entire magazine without looking at the sky.

    How to play insurgency